Benjamin Espen

Benjamin Espen

Company: Avobis Bio

Job title: Principal Quality Engineer


Navigating Data Challenges in Cell Therapy Analytical Development & Improving Overall Product Quality 2:00 pm

Exploring strategies for optimizing data collection, storage, and analysis to enhance product understanding and process optimization in cell therapy development. Highlighting the importance of robust data management and curation practices to derive meaningful insights and inform decision-making in cell therapy analytical development. Addressing the need to stay updated and flexible in data interpretation amidst rapidly…Read more

day: Track B - Immunophenotype Assay (Day One - Afternoon)

Establishing Robust Acceptance Criteria for Improved Product Quality 2:00 pm

Establishing acceptance criteria for cell therapy products is crucial for ensuring safety and efficacy by defining standards for parameters like cell viability, identity, potency, and stability during development and testing. However, this process is challenging due to the complex nature of living cells and the lack of standardized methods. While regulatory guidelines provide frameworks, their…Read more

day: Workshop F - Quality Control

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